Divorce is no longer a story of shame, failure, and isolation.

Sincerely, Divorced is a source of hope—connecting people from every walk of life with one important thing in common: wanting to navigate the end of a long-term relationship from a place of love, strength, and empowerment. We do this one breakdown and glow up at a time.

Divorced besties on a mission.

We are on a mission to actively disrupt the narrative and isolation of divorce for those in the midst of it and those finding their way after it.

By pioneering a modern dialogue around divorce and the end of long-term partnerships, we are changing the way people experience this type of adversity and the way others support them (ideally with less judgment and more love).

We’re so glad you’re here.

Sincerely, Divorced Co-Founders, Hillary Livingston (L) and Bethany Pace (R).

A new philosophy of divorce

Millions of people experience divorce and every one of those people needs encouragement and connection during this major life transition. For some, that's about feeling supported when making tough decisions. For others, it's about setting boundaries with others to live their values. The bottom line is that divorce does not have to be saddled with failure and shame. Instead, it can be a path toward greater self-awareness, human connection, and an experience that leads us to our fullest and most beautiful potential.

A community of shared experiences

Divorce—which we define as separating oneself from something or someone—is a lens through which we aim to build a vibrant community of hope and to share how embracing the future, self-compassion, positive reframing, and social support are critical for overcoming adversity and navigating the divorce experience. Through our work, we are actively disrupting the narrative of divorce from one of failure, shame, and isolation to a narrative of strength, empowerment, and connection.

Being divorced is a superpower

Join us and thousands of others who are changing how they define and experience divorce, adversity, and connection. We are stronger, smarter, and better after divorce—and you are not alone.

There’s no crying in baseball and there’s no shame in divorce.