This week's quote

"Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. " — Albert Camus

This week's blog post

The holiday season is complicated for lots of people for a variety of reasons (not just divorce). To make matters worse, the world often fails to acknowledge those who aren't feeling merry and festive in mainstream media. In this blog post, Bethany shares some helpful tips for supporting a friend navigating a divorce or another hardship during the holiday season. We won't blame you if you also want to send it to your well-intentioned family members too.

This week's announcement

We are so excited to announce our newest service: Hope By Mail. ♥

Hope by Mail is a six or twelve month subscription of uplifting messages for yourself or someone you love in the form of handwritten encouragement from someone who understands what the divorce journey is like. We know how isolating divorce can feel and we want to make sure you feel supported, encouraged, and seen throughout the process.

PS. Hope by Mail would make the perfect holiday gift for someone. We even prepared a downloadable card you can provide to the recipient.

This week's exercise

During the chaos of the holiday season it can be easy to get wrapped up in the to-do lists and lose site of the present moment. However, creating moments in your day to establish mindfulness can be a huge stress reducer while also helping you to enjoy the season (even if that feels impossible).

This article from Vogue provides a list of 5 ways to increase mindfulness during the holiday season. Try one of these tips out and let us know how it goes!

This week's reel

Ever considered blasting your ex-spouse and their lies on social media? Us too. We'd never do it, but it sure is tough to hold back sometimes.

Thanks for reading and for being here. Have a great weekend friends! ♥

Hope Notes | No. 11