Partner With Us

We are stronger together.

Sincerely, Divorced is pioneering a team approach to the end of an intimate partnership. Our signature philosophy and model for navigating divorce is relatable, engaging, empowering, and inclusive—garnering us a large international following of thousands and growing daily.

We’d love to collaborate.

Thanks for your interest in Sincerely, Divorced.

The best part of our journey thus far has been connecting with others who identify with an aspect of our stories and those who also believe in disrupting the status quo, main character energy, and the beauty of new beginnings.

We’re open to new ideas and partnerships.

Read on to learn more about our collective and individual areas of expertise, the benefits of working with us, what our community says, and ways to collaborate.

Our areas of expertise are:

  • Disrupting the deficit and shame mindset of divorce.

  • Sharing and teaching our innovative team approach to divorce.

  • How to apply an abundance and empowerment mindset to divorce through the science of positive reframing.

  • How to reduce anxiety and the tendency to be overwhelmed by the freedom, fear, and ambiguity of life after divorce.

  • Teaching people who are not divorced how to support a friend or family member experiencing divorce.

  • How lessons from divorcing a partner can be applied to divorcing bad habits, dysfunction, and limiting thoughts.

  • Platonic love and how to leverage it to build a support network with others navigating divorce.

  • How to strategically communicate about your divorce to family, friends, colleagues, etc. through every phrase.

  • Centering your children’s needs at whatever age and stage during divorce. We have kids from ages 2 to 20.

  • Navigating the nuances surrounding divorce and factors such as age, race, ethnicity, faith, and sexuality.

We are your divorced besties who listen intently, root for you louder than anyone else, fiercely defend your honor, and walk beside you through life one breakdown and glow-up at a time. Essentially, we’re the ride or dies you didn't know you needed.

  • "Fantastic work grounded in self-reflection, personal growth, and a desire to help others move forward positively in their lifes as well."

    Sheralee H.

As seen in…

Benefits of working with us

Our work, which has been featured locally, internationally, and on our blog and social media platforms, is guided by our individual experiences of divorce and the ways we supported each other before, during, and after our divorces.

We both have formal training (advanced degrees in communication and counseling) which, along with our roles leading an in-person support group and collaborating with community partners, inform our broad and deep expertise.

We inspire others with our modern take on divorce and our fervent belief that hope always wins.

  • Co-Founder

    Things I love to talk about:

    • Why divorce is a superpower.

    • Style, wellness, beauty, career, and dating after 50.

    • Solo parenting as a working mom to a teen and a adult.

    • How I found the courage to end a marriage after 25 years.

    • Learning how to live my truth and embrace my complete identity after divorce.

    • What it means to be a divorced child of divorce.

    • The impact of substance use disorder and emotional abuse on marriage, divorce, and coparenting.

  • Co-Founder

    My experience includes:

    • Narcissistic partner abuse

    • Co-parenting with a narcissist

    • Infidelity in marriage

    • Divorcing while pregnant

    • Navigating family support

Ways to work with us

  • We help professional practices and services reach their current and future clients where they are.

    • We create opportunities and design personalized methods for you to engage and support your existing clients in ways that will earn their loyalty.

    • Leverage our community development expertise, products, and programmatic offerings to expand your reach in strategic and targeted ways.

    • In January 2025, Sincerely, Divorced will launch a curated resource directory of professionals that will be shared with our audiences. The annual cost to be featured in this directory starts at $5,000. This includes a contact card, photo, and brief synopsis of services on our website.

  • We’d love to be a guest at your event, on your podcast, or show.

    • There’s lots to discuss about divorce because it is a universal experience that spans generations and all walks of life in both expected and unexpected ways.

    • Our personal stories of divorce, overcoming the isolation and adversity associated with it, and how we are rebuilding our lives in our 30’s and 50’s respectively are authentic and relate to diverse audiences.

  • Divorce is about changing more than your relationship status.

    • Our work impacts the lives of people who are reframing, redefining, and repurposing their existence post-divorce.

    • Authentically sharing what we’ve learned and know is the heart of Sincerely, Divorced. Introducing your brand to our audience will be an extension of how we inspire others online and in our in-person programming.

  • Trust us, Chat GPT is not a substitute for real-life narratives.

    • We’ve worked with and produced engaging content for both digital and print publications.

    • Our audience includes men and women, between 25-70, and split across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.

    • Our content is deeply personal, detailed, and reflective of our life experiences as wives, mothers, colleagues, and friends.

  • We love to share how we conceptualized Sincerely, Divorced, a passion project that’s in the third year of development although it just launched in November 2023.

    • Our startup story is funny and will inspire others to turn what appears to be devastation (even in mid-life) into an opportunity for growth, resilience, and providing hope to others.

  • What matters most to us is making our message of hope accessible to all.

    • We invite you to join us in sending handwritten notes of encouragement to someone in need. It’s the kind of support we exchanged before, during, and after our respective divorces.

    • SARC of Harford County distributes our uplifting notes to the people they serve and would love to expand our reach with other community organizations.

What our community says

  • About our content

    “Thank you for your post this morning! It came at a great time. As a parent of adult children, I continue to figure out how to navigate my relationship with them post-divorce. Your post was super informative and inspiring! Thank you for all you do!

  • About our mission

    “When I got divorced, I truly wish there had been this type of support. I had to navigate on my own because unless one has been through it, it’s hard to comprehend the emotional turmoil and feelings of shame, failure, and inadequacy. So bravo to you Hillary and Bethany for seeing a true need and filling it.”

  • Our impact

    “Your writing is so helpful, healing, and encouraging. Thank you for your bravery and honesty. You show me there’s hope and a bright future ahead of me. You show me that being a single mom is possible and that I can thrive.”

Let’s get to work

Please fill out the below form and we’ll be in touch.

  • "There's no crying in baseball and there's no shame in divorce."

    Bethany Pace

  • "The more you practice scaling the peak, the faster you'll move through the valley.

    Hillary Livingston