The Script: No.1

By Bethany Pace

Hillary and I are thrilled to introduce you to ‘The Script.’ 'The Script' is our monthly newsletter written in an easily digestible bulleted format that you can read during the workday, at sports practice, or in your living room while you enjoy a cup of tea (or something stronger).

Navigating the end of a relationship and its aftermath (or supporting a friend who is) doesn't leave much time for researching articles, resources, and encouragement to make your life easier before, during, and after divorce. That's where 'The Script' comes in--we've done the work so you don't have to.

We think you’ll want to make sure it lands in your inbox every month, and we can’t wait to hear what you think in the comments or on our social channels. Most importantly, we hope that this curated selection of resources will help make ending a long-term partnership a little less daunting and significantly more optimistic than it is typically experienced and perceived.

the opening line

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare. // Audre Lorde, Writer, scholar, activist

the dialogue

and scene

A reflection prompt for the week ahead...Think about the last seven days and write down all of the ways you succeeded. From cooking dinner when you didn't feel like it to not taking the bait that would lead to an argument with your former partner. Remember, all wins--big or small--are worth celebrating. And congratulations!


Divorce freedom


Self-care pillars